Last updated: February 2021

We have tested a number of antibodies in human FFPE tissue specimens against different proteins for their compatibility with t-CyCIF. This list includes antibodies that are recommended for t-CyCIF; they demonstrate expected staining pattern in multiple tissue specimens.

Note: Performance does not infer validation.

You can browse, search, and sort (by clicking the table column heading) the following table.

Search Antibodies
Target Protein Fluorophore Performance (Human) Vendor Catalog Number Clone RRID Note
5'-HMC *** Active Motif 39769 AB_10013602
Alpha-actin-2 eFluor 660 *** Thermo Fisher Scientific (eBioscience) 50-9760-82 1A4 AB_2574362
Alpha-actin-2 eFluor 570 *** Thermo Fisher Scientific (eBioscience) 41-9760-82 1A4 AB_2573631
CD11b Alexa Fluor 488 *** Thermo Fisher Scientific (eBioscience) 53-0196-80 C67F154 AB_2637195
CD14 Alexa Fluor 647 *** Abcam ab196169 EPR3653 Discontinued
CD163 Alexa Fluor 488 *** Abcam ab218293 EPR14643-36 AB_2889155
CD19 Alexa Fluor 488 *** Abcam ab196468 EPR5906 AB_2889156
CD20 eFluor 660 *** Thermo Fisher Scientific (eBioscience) 50-0202-80 L26 AB_11151691
CD31 Alexa Fluor 647 *** Abcam ab218582 EPR3094 AB_2857973
CD3d Alexa Fluor 555 *** Abcam ab208514 EP4426 AB_2728789
CD4 Alexa Fluor 488 *** R&D Systems FAB8165G AB_2728839
CD45 Alexa Fluor 647 *** BioLegend 304020 HI30 AB_493034
CD45RB Alexa Fluor 488 *** Thermo Fisher Scientific 53-9458-80 PD7/26 AB_2574448
CD45RO Alexa Fluor 488 *** BioLegend 304212 UCHL1 AB_528823
CD45RO *** Dako M0742 UCHL1 AB_2237910
CD68 phycoerythrin *** Cell Signaling Technology 79594 D4B9C AB_2799935
CD8a eFluor 660 *** Thermo Fisher Scientific (eBioscience) 50-0008-82 AMC908 AB_2574149
Cytokeratin (pan) eFluor 570 *** Thermo Fisher Scientific (eBioscience) 41-9003-82 AE1/AE3 AB_11218704
Cytokeratin (pan) Alexa Fluor 488 *** Cell Signaling Technology 4523S C11 AB_836889
E-cadherin Alexa Fluor 555 *** Cell Signaling Technology 4295 24E10 AB_2728822 Discontinued
E-cadherin Alexa Fluor 488 *** Cell Signaling Technology 3199 24E10 AB_10691457
ER alpha *** Abcam ab16660 SP1 AB_443420
FOXA2 eFluor 660 *** Thermo Fisher Scientific (eBioscience) 50-4778-82 3C10 AB_2574221
FOXP3 eFluor 570 *** Thermo Fisher Scientific (eBioscience) 41-4777-82 236A/E7 AB_2573609
GFAP eFluor 570 *** Thermo Fisher Scientific 41-9892-80 GA5 AB_2573655
Granzyme B *** Dako M7235 GrB-7 AB_2114697
IBA1 Alexa Fluor 488 *** Abcam ab195031 EPR6136(2) AB_2889157
MART1 *** BioLegend 917901 M2-7C10 AB_2565202
PD-1 Alexa Fluor 647 *** Abcam ab201825 EPR4877(2) AB_2728811
PD-L1 Alexa Fluor 647 *** Cell Signaling Technology 15005 E1L3N AB_2728832
PD-L1 *** Cell Signaling Technology 13684 E1L3N AB_2687655
14-3-3 (pan) ** Santa Cruz Biotechnology sc-629-G K-19 AB_630820 Discontinued
53BP1 ** Millipore Sigma MAB3802 BP13 AB_2206767
53BP1 ** Bethyl Laboratories Inc. A303-906A AB_2620256
ACO2 Alexa Fluor 647 ** Abcam ab198050 6F12BD9 AB_2857971
Actin, cytoplasmic 1 Alexa Fluor 555 ** Cell Signaling Technology 8046S 13E5 AB_11179208
Akt-1 (pan) Alexa Fluor 647 ** Cell Signaling Technology 5186S C67E7 AB_10695877
ALK phycoerythrin ** Cell Signaling Technology 8868 D5F3 AB_11179078
Alpha-actin-2 Alexa Fluor 555 ** Abcam ab202509 EPR5368 AB_2868435
AR Alexa Fluor 647 ** Abcam ab194195 EPR1535(2) AB_2868419
AR ** Thermo Fisher Scientific MA5-13426 AR 441 AB_11000751
ATM (pS1981) Alexa Fluor 647 ** Thermo Fisher Scientific (eBioscience) 50-9046-41 10H11.E12 AB_2574313
Aurora kinase B (pT232) Alexa Fluor 555 ** Cell Signaling Technology 13464S D13A11 AB_2728824
AXL ** R&D Systems AF154 AB_354852
B-RAF FITC ** Abcam ab175637 K21-F AB_2728806
BAX Alexa Fluor 488 ** BioLegend 633603 2D2 AB_2562171
Bcl-2 Alexa Fluor 647 ** BioLegend 658705 100 AB_2563279
BCL6 Alexa Fluor 568 ** Santa Cruz Biotechnology sc-7388 AF647 D-8 AB_2063455
BCLXL Alexa Fluor 647 ** Abcam ab200527 EPR16642 AB_2868509
Catalase Alexa Fluor 488 ** Abcam ab185041 EP1929Y AB_2884892
Catenin beta-1 Alexa Fluor 647 ** Cell Signaling Technology 4627S L54E2 AB_10691326
Catenin beta-1 Alexa Fluor 488 ** Cell Signaling Technology 2849 L54E2 AB_10693296
CCNB1 Alexa Fluor 555 ** Abcam ab214381 Y106 AB_2884889
CCNB1 Alexa Fluor 488 ** Santa Cruz Biotechnology sc-752 FITC AB_2072134 Discontinued
CD117 ** Dako A4502 AB_2335702
CD11b Alexa Fluor 488 ** Abcam ab204271 EPR1344 AB_1937226 Discontinued
CD11b ** Abcam ab52478 EP1345Y AB_868788
CD11b ** Abcam ab133357 EPR1344 AB_2650514
CD11c eFluor 570 ** Thermo Fisher Scientific (eBioscience) 41-9761-80 118/A5 AB_2573632
CD11c Alexa Fluor 555 ** Cell Signaling Technology 77882BC D3V1E AB_2800282 Custom Conjugate (to cat. No 97585S)
CD11c Alexa Fluor 555 ** Cell Signaling Technology 64675BC D1V9Y AB_2800282 Custom Conjugate (to cat. No 97585S)
CD11c ** Cell Signaling Technology 45581 D3V1E AB_2799286
CD134 Alexa Fluor 647 ** BioLegend 350018 Ber-ACT35 AB_2571938
CD138 FITC ** Abcam ab27390 B-A38 AB_2182845 Discontinued
CD138 APC ** BioLegend 352308 DL-101 AB_10896946
CD14 ** Abcam ab133335 EPR3653 AB_2889158
CD15 Alexa Fluor 488 ** BioLegend 301910 HI98 AB_493257
CD16 Alexa Fluor 647 ** Santa Cruz Biotechnology sc-20052 AF647 DJ130c AB_626925
CD161 ** Santa Cruz Biotechnology sc-58963 B199.2 AB_631082
CD19 ** Cell Signaling Technology 90176 D4V4B AB_2800152
CD197 ** Thermo Fisher Scientific PA5-32299 AB_2549771
CD1a Alexa Fluor 488 ** Santa Cruz Biotechnology sc-18885 AF488 O10 AB_626957
CD1a ** Abcam ab201337 C1A/711 AB_2889186
CD1c ** Abcam ab156708 OTI2F4 AB_2889187
CD2 ** Abcam ab131276 EPR6451 AB_11156582
CD20 ** Dako M0755 L26 AB_2282030
CD206 Alexa Fluor 488 ** Santa Cruz Biotechnology sc-376108 AF488 D-1 AB_10987732
CD206 ** Cell Signaling Technology 91992 E2L9N AB_2800175
CD21 Alexa Fluor 647 ** Abcam ab202693 EP3093 AB_2889188
CD3 ** Abcam ab11089 CD3-12 AB_2889189
CD30 Alexa Fluor 488 ** Santa Cruz Biotechnology sc-19658 AF488 Her-H2 AB_627023
CD357 ** Cell Signaling Technology 68014 D9I9D AB_2799740
CD357 ** Thermo Fisher Scientific PA5-47883 AB_2576305
CD3d Alexa Fluor 647 ** Abcam ab198937 EP4426 AB_2889190
CD3e ** Dako A0452 AB_2335677
CD4 eFluor 570 ** Thermo Fisher Scientific (eBioscience) 41-2444-82 N1UG0 AB_2573602
CD4 Alexa Fluor 488 ** Abcam ab196372 EPR6855 AB_2889191
CD4 ** Dako M7310 4B12 AB_2728838
CD43 Alexa Fluor 488 ** Santa Cruz Biotechnology sc-6256 AF488 DF-T1 AB_627064
CD44 phycoerythrin ** Cell Signaling Technology 8724 156-3C11 AB_10829611
CD44 Alexa Fluor 647 ** Abcam ab194988 EPR103Y AB_2889192
CD45 phycoerythrin ** R&D Systems FAB1430P 2D1 AB_2237898
CD45 phycoerythrin ** Biolegend 304039 HI30 AB_2562057
CD45 Alexa Fluor 488 ** R&D Systems FAB1430G 2D1 AB_2889351
CD5 Alexa Fluor 647 ** Santa Cruz Biotechnology sc-53204 AF647 CD5/54/F6 AB_2075324
CD56 Alexa Fluor 568 ** Santa Cruz Biotechnology sc-7326 AF647 123C3 AB_627127
CD57 phycoerythrin ** BioLegend 359612 HNK-1 AB_2562759
CD57 FITC ** BD Biosciences 561906 NK-1 AB_10897013
CD57 ** BioCare CM 007 B NK-1 AB_2889328
CD66b phycoerythrin ** Thermo Fisher Scientific 12-0666-41 G10F5 AB_2572566
CD68 Alexa Fluor 488 ** Cell Signaling Technology 24850 D4B9C AB_2798886
CD7 Alexa Fluor 647 ** Abcam ab199023 EPR4242 AB_2889193
CD8a Alexa Fluor 488 ** Thermo Fisher Scientific 53-0008-80 AMC908 AB_2574412
CD8a ** Dako M7103 C8/144B AB_2075537
CDK1/2/3/5 (pY15) ** Abcam ab133463 EPR7875 AB_2811262
CDKN1A Alexa Fluor 555 ** Cell Signaling Technology 8493 12D1 AB_10860074
CDKN2A Alexa Fluor 647 ** Abcam ab192054 EPR1473 AB_2889194
Checkpoint kinase 2 (pT68) Alexa Fluor 555 ** Cell Signaling Technology 12812S C13C1 AB_2728826 Discontinued
Cleaved Caspase 3 (D175) ** Cell Signaling Technology 9661 AB_2341188
CMA1 ** Abcam ab111239 AB_10863662
Collagen IV Alexa Fluor 647 ** Thermo Fisher Scientific 51-9871-80 1042 AB_10854267
COX IV-1 Alexa Fluor 647 ** Cell Signaling Technology 7561S 3E11 AB_10994876
Cyclin-A2 Alexa Fluor 647 ** Abcam ab216303 EPR17351 AB_2884891
Cyclin-A2 Alexa Fluor 555 ** Abcam ab217731 EPR17351 AB_2884890
Cyclin-A2 ** Abcam ab38 E23.1 AB_304084
Cyclin-D1 Alexa Fluor 488 ** Abcam ab190194 EPR2241 AB_2728784
Cytokeratin (pan) Alexa Fluor 555 ** Cell Signaling Technology 3478S C11 AB_10829040
Cytokeratin 14 FITC ** Abcam ab77684 LL002 AB_2265437
Cytokeratin 17 Alexa Fluor 488 ** Abcam ab185032 EP1623 AB_2889195
Cytokeratin 18 Alexa Fluor 488 ** Thermo Fisher Scientific 53-9815-80 LDK18 AB_2574480
Cytokeratin 19 Alexa Fluor 555 ** Abcam ab203444 EP1580Y AB_2857974
Cytokeratin 5 Alexa Fluor 647 ** Abcam ab193895 EP1601Y AB_2728796
Cytokeratin 7 Alexa Fluor 555 ** Abcam ab209601 EPR17078 AB_2728790
Cytokeratin 8 FITC ** Thermo Fisher Scientific (eBioscience) 11-9938-80 LP3K AB_10548518
Desmin Alexa Fluor 647 ** Abcam ab195177 Y66 AB_2889196
EGFR Alexa Fluor 488 ** Cell Signaling Technology 5616S D38B1 AB_10691853
EGFR (pY1068) ** Cell Signaling Technology 3777 D7A5 AB_2096270
EGFR2 eFluor 570 ** Thermo Fisher Scientific (eBioscience) 41-9757-80 MJD2 AB_2573628
Emil1 ** Abcam ab212397 EMIL/1176 AB_2728813 Discontinued
EpCAM phycoerythrin ** BioLegend 324205 9C4 AB_756079
EpCAM Alexa Fluor 488 ** Cell Signaling Technology 5198S VU1D9 AB_10692105
ER alpha phycoerythrin ** Cell Signaling Technology 74244 D6R2W AB_2799853
ER alpha Alexa Fluor 647 ** Abcam ab205851 EPR4097 AB_2728817
ER alpha Alexa Fluor 568 ** Abcam ab207261 EPR4097 Discontinued
ER alpha Alexa Fluor 488 ** Abcam ab194150 E115 AB_2889197
ERK (pT202; pY204) phycoerythrin ** Cell Signaling Technology 14095 197G2 AB_2728834
ERK-1 (pT202; pY204) Alexa Fluor 488 ** Cell Signaling Technology 4344S D13.14.4E AB_2139960 Discontinued
FAP ** Thermo Fisher Scientific BMS168 F11-24 AB_10597443
FOXA2 Alexa Fluor 647 ** Thermo Fisher Scientific (eBioscience) 50-4778-80 3C10 AB_2574220
FOXO1a Alexa Fluor 555 ** Abcam AB207244 EP927Y AB_2728793
FOXP3 eFluor 660 ** Thermo Fisher Scientific (eBioscience) 50-4777-41 236A/E7 AB_2574218 Discontinued
FOXP3 Alexa Fluor 647 ** BioLegend 320113 206D AB_439753
FOXP3 ** BioLegend 320101 206D AB_430880
GAPDH Alexa Fluor 488 ** Abcam ab204276 EPR16884 AB_2889198
GAPDH ** Cell Signaling Technology 2118 14C10 AB_561053
GATA3 Alexa Fluor 555 ** Abcam ab210672 EPR16651 AB_2889199
GLUD1 Alexa Fluor 488 ** Abcam ab204001 EPR11370 AB_2889200
Granzyme B Alexa Fluor 647 ** Santa Cruz Biotechnology sc-8022 AF647 2C5 AB_2232723
HER2 Alexa Fluor 647 ** Abcam ab225510 EPR19547-12 AB_2889201
Hes1 Alexa Fluor 647 ** Abcam ab196577 EPR4226 AB_2728797
Hes1 Alexa Fluor 488 ** Abcam ab196328 EPR4226 AB_2728785
HGF receptor Alexa Fluor 488 ** Cell Signaling Technology 8494S D1C2 AB_10999405
Histone H2A.X Alexa Fluor 647 ** BioLegend 613407 2F3 AB_2114994
Histone H2A.X (pS139) Alexa Fluor 647 ** Cell Signaling Technology 9720S 20E3 AB_10692910
Histone H2A.X (pS139) ** EMD Millipore 05-636 JBW301 AB_309864
Histone H3.1 (pS10) Alexa Fluor 555 ** Cell Signaling Technology 3475S D2C8 AB_10694639
HLA-A Alexa Fluor 647 ** Abcam ab199837 EP1395Y AB_2728798
HLA-A Alexa Fluor 594 ** Abcam ab207872 EP1395Y AB_2889202
HLA-ABC ** Abcam ab70328 EMR8-5 AB_1269092
HLA-DPB1 Alexa Fluor 647 ** Abcam ab201347 EPR11226 AB_2861375
Hsp90 beta phycoerythrin ** Abcam ab115641 AB_10936222
KAP1 Alexa Fluor 594 ** BioLegend 619304 20A1 AB_2563298
Ki-67 eFluor 570 ** Thermo Fisher Scientific (eBioscience) 41-5699-80 20Raj1 AB_11220088
Ki-67 Alexa Fluor 750 ** R&D Systems IC7617S 1297A AB_2889352
Ki-67 Alexa Fluor 647 ** BioLegend 350509 Ki67 AB_10900810
Ki-67 Alexa Fluor 647 ** Cell Signaling Technology 12075 D3B5 AB_2728830
Ki-67 Alexa Fluor 488 ** Cell Signaling Technology 11882S D3B5 AB_2687824
LAG-3 ** Abcam ab180187 EPR4392(2) AB_2888645
Lamin-A/C Alexa Fluor 488 ** Cell Signaling Technology 8617S 4C11 AB_10997529
Lamin-B1 Alexa Fluor 488 ** Abcam ab194106 EPR8985(B) AB_2728786
LAMP-1 Alexa Fluor 488 ** Abcam ab187591 H4A3 AB_2884958
LAMP-1 ** Cell Signaling Technology 9091 D2D11 AB_2687579
LAMP-2 Alexa Fluor 647 ** BioLegend 354312 H4B4 AB_2721405
LAMP-2 ** R&D Systems AF6228 AB_10971818
LAMP-2 ** Abcam ab25631 H4B4 AB_470709
Langerin ** Millipore Sigma 392M-14 12D6 AB_2889342
Langerin ** R&D Systems AF2088-SP AB_355143
LC3A/B Alexa Fluor 555 ** Cell Signaling Technology 13173S D3U4C AB_2728823
MAP2 eFluor 570 ** Thermo Fisher Scientific (eBioscience) 41-9763-80 AP20 AB_2573634
MCM6 ** Santa Cruz Biotechnology sc-9843 C-20 AB_2142543 Discontinued
MITF Alexa Fluor 488 ** Abcam ab201675 D5 AB_2728787
MITF ** Abcam ab3201 D5 AB_30360
MLH1 Alexa Fluor 647 ** Abcam ab199494 EPR3894 AB_2889203
MSH6 Alexa Fluor 647 ** Abcam ab198334 EPR3945 AB_2889204
mTOR Alexa Fluor 647 ** Cell Signaling Technology 5048S 7C10 AB_10828101
Myeloperoxidase Alexa Fluor 488 ** Abcam ab225474 EPR20257 AB_2889205
Na+/K+ ATPase alpha-1 subunit ** Cell Signaling Technology 23565 D4Y7E AB_2798866
NDRG1 (pT346) Alexa Fluor 488 ** Cell Signaling Technology 6992S D98G11 AB_10827648
Nestin Alexa Fluor 488 ** Thermo Fisher Scientific (eBioscience) 53-9843-80 10C2 AB_1834347
NFATC1 phycoerythrin ** BioLegend 649605 7A6 AB_2562546
NGF receptor Alexa Fluor 647 ** Abcam ab195180 EP1039Y AB_2728801
NGF receptor Alexa Fluor 647 ** BD Biosciences 560326 C40-1457 AB_1645403
Nup98 Alexa Fluor 647 ** Cell Signaling Technology 13393S C39A3 AB_2728831
p-Tyr-100 Alexa Fluor 647 ** Cell Signaling Technology 9415S P-Tyr-100 AB_390807
p-Tyr-100 ** Cell Signaling Technology 9411 p-Tyr-100 AB_331228
p21 Alexa Fluor 647 ** Cell Signaling Technology 8587S 12D1 AB_10892861
p21 ** Cell Signaling Technology 2947S 12D1 AB_823586
p27Kip1 Alexa Fluor 647 ** Abcam ab194234 Y236 Discontinued
p53 Alexa Fluor 647 ** Abcam ab224942 E26 AB_2889206
p53 ** Dako M7001 DO7 AB_2206626
Pax8 Alexa Fluor 647 ** Abcam ab215953 EPR18715 AB_2728803
Pax8 ** Abcam ab191870 EPR18715 AB_2728805
PCNA Alexa Fluor 488 ** Cell Signaling Technology 8580 PC10 AB_11178664
PD-1 Alexa Fluor 488 ** Cell Signaling Technology 15131 D3W4U AB_2728819 Discontinued
PD-1 ** Cell Signaling Technology 86163 D4W2J AB_2728833
PD-1 ** Cell Signaling Technology 43248 EH33 AB_2728836
PD-L1 Alexa Fluor 555 ** Abcam ab213358 28-8 AB_2728794
PD-L1 Alexa Fluor 488 ** Cell Signaling Technology 14772 E1L3N AB_2798606
PDI Alexa Fluor 488 ** Cell Signaling Technology 5051 C81H16 AB_10950503
PR Alexa Fluor 647 ** Abcam ab199455 YR85 Discontinued
PR Alexa Fluor 488 ** Abcam ab199224 YR85 AB_2728808 Discontinued
RAD51 ** Cell Signaling Technology 8875S D4B10 AB_2721109
Rb (pS807; pS811) Alexa Fluor 555 ** Cell Signaling Technology 8957S D20B12 AB_2728827
Rb (pS807; pS811) ** Santa Cruz Biotechnology sc-16670 Ser 807/811 AB_655250
Rb (pS807; pS811) ** Cell Signaling Technology 8516S D20B12 AB_11178658
RNA Pol II CTD (pS2) ** Active Motif 61083 3E10 AB_2687450
RNA Polym II/POLR2A Alexa Fluor 488 ** Novus Biologicals NB200-598AF488 4H8 AB_2889345
RPA32 ** Bethyl Laboratories Inc. IHC-00417 AB_1659838
RPA32 (pS4; pS8) ** Bethyl Laboratories Inc. IHC-00422 AB_1659840
S100-A1 Alexa Fluor 488 ** Abcam ab207367 EPR5251 AB_2728788
S100-A4 Alexa Fluor 647 ** Abcam ab196168 EPR2761(2) AB_2728804
S6 Alexa Fluor 555 ** Cell Signaling Technology 6989S 54D2 AB_10828226 Discontinued
S6 (pS235; pS236) Alexa Fluor 647 ** Cell Signaling Technology 4851S D57.2.2E AB_916160
S6 (pS235; pS236) ** Cell Signaling Technology 4858 D57.2.2E AB_916156
S6 (pS240; pS244) Alexa Fluor 488 ** Cell Signaling Technology 5018S D68F8 AB_10695861
S6 Ribosomal Protein (pS235; pS236) Alexa Fluor 555 ** Cell Signaling Technology 3985 D57.2.2E AB_10693792
S6 Ribosomal Protein (pS235; pS236) Alexa Fluor 488 ** Cell Signaling Technology 4803 D57.2.2E AB_916158
Snail 1 Alexa Fluor 488 ** Thermo Fisher Scientific (eBioscience) 53-9859-80 20C8 AB_2574482
Sox2 Alexa Fluor 647 ** Cell Signaling Technology 5067 D6D9 AB_10828229
Sox2 Alexa Fluor 555 ** Cell Signaling Technology 5179S D6D9 AB_10828439
Sox4 Alexa Fluor 647 ** Santa Cruz Biotechnology sc-518016 AF647 B-7 AB_2889356
SPI1 ** BD Biosciences 554268 G148-74 AB_395335
SQSTM1 Alexa Fluor 555 ** Abcam ab203430 EPR4844 AB_2728795
SQSTM1 Alexa Fluor 488 ** Cell Signaling Technology 8833S D1D9E3 AB_2728820 Discontinued
Src (pY418) phycoerythrin ** Thermo Fisher Scientific 12-9034-41 SC1T2M3 AB_2572680
Stat1 ** Cell Signaling Technology 9176S 9H2 AB_10691845
Stat1 (pS727) phycoerythrin ** BioLegend 686403 A15158B AB_2616938
Stat1 (pY701) Alexa Fluor 555 ** Cell Signaling Technology 8183S 58D6 AB_10860600
Stat3 Alexa Fluor 488 ** Cell Signaling Technology 14047S D3Z2G AB_2728821
Stat3 (pY705) ** Cell Signaling Technology 9145 D3A7 AB_2491009
STING Alexa Fluor 647 ** Abcam ab198952 EPR13130 AB_2889207
STING Alexa Fluor 488 ** Abcam ab198950 EPR13130 AB_2889208
STING ** Cell Signaling Technology 13647S D2P2F AB_2732796
Survivin Alexa Fluor 647 ** Cell Signaling Technology 2866S 71G4B7 AB_10698609
Survivin Alexa Fluor 488 ** Cell Signaling Technology 2810 71G4B7 AB_10691462
Tbx21 eFluor 660 ** Thermo Fisher Scientific 50-5825-82 4B10 AB_10596655
Tbx21 ** Abcam ab150440 EPR9301 AB_2889209
TLR10 ** Abcam ab53631 AB_883039
TPCN2 ** Novus Biologicals NBP1-86923 AB_11021735
Tryptase ** Dako M7052 AA1 AB_2206478
Tubulin beta chain Alexa Fluor 647 ** Cell Signaling Technology 3624S 9F3 AB_2210688
Tubulin beta chain Alexa Fluor 647 ** BioLegend 657405 AA10 AB_2563609
Tubulin beta chain Alexa Fluor 555 ** Cell Signaling Technology 2116S 9F3 AB_10695881
VEGFR-1 ** Santa Cruz Biotechnology sc-31173 AB_2106885 Discontinued
VEGFR-2 Alexa Fluor 555 ** Cell Signaling Technology 12872S D5B1 AB_2728828 Discontinued
VEGFR-2 phycoerythrin ** Cell Signaling Technology 12634 D5B1 AB_2728829
Vimentin Alexa Fluor 647 ** BioLegend 677807 O91D3 AB_2616801
Vimentin Alexa Fluor 647 ** Cell Signaling Technology 9856 D21H3 AB_10834530
Vimentin Alexa Fluor 555 ** Cell Signaling Technology 9855 D21H3 AB_10859896
Vimentin Alexa Fluor 488 ** R&D Systems IC2105G 280618 AB_2889353
Vinculin eFluor 570 ** Thermo Fisher Scientific 41-9777-80 7F9 AB_2573646

Harvard Program in Therapeutic Science

Armenise Building

210 Longwood Ave

Boston, MA 02115


Funded by NIH grants P50-GM107618, U54-HL127365, U2C-CA233262, U2C-CA233280, U54-CA225088, the Ludwig Center at Harvard, and the Ludwig Cancer Research Foundation
©2020, Laboratory of Systems Pharmacology. All rights reserved.
Please cite this resource as, RRID:SCR_016267